Honouring the work of those who have died whilst in the role of Principal
This Scholarship is awarded annually to a leading educator in a Victorian Catholic Secondary School. The successful applicant must have:
Demonstrated outstanding leadership capacity in a particular field in their school
Contributed to the broader dimension of Catholic Education through membership of committees and organisations
Strengthened their own leadership capacity through study or project involvement.
PAVCSS Memorial Leadership Scholarship
Please download and complete and return the Memorial Leadership Scholarship Application Form (MsWord)
Applications for the 2025 Scholarship close 27 March 2024.
This Scholarship provides $5,000 towards:
Participation in a recognised Leadership Program
Accommodation and air fares
Funding is provided by PAVCSS Conference sponsorship and this Scholarship Honours:
Mr John Arthurson
Sr. Mary Dalton
Fr. Dennis Handley
Mr Bruce Runnalls
Mrs. Maree Johnson
Ms. Philomena Salvatore
Br. James Taylor
Mr. Rob Brennan